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Zapier integrations
Matching Telephone Numbers

Matching Telephone Numbers

When creating Zaps you may encounter an error if the formatting of phone numbers you use to match candidates is inconsistent. Follow these steps to configure your Zap to handle variations in phone number country code prefixes, such as switching between +44 and 0.

1. Configure the 'Find Person by Phone' Step

  • In the Find Person by Phone step, go to the Configure stage.

  • In the "If no search results are found" section, set it to Mark "successful".

2. Add a Path Step

  • After the Find Person by Phone step, add a Path step.

3. Set Conditions for the First Path

  • In the first path's conditions set the rule to Only continue if "ID" is "Exists".

  • Under this path, add a step to update your ATS with the candidate's information.

4. Configure the Second Path (Fallback Rule)

  • In the second path, set the rule type to Fallback.

5. Add a Code Step in the Fallback Path

  • Under the fallback path, add a Code step.

  • For the Action Event, select Run JavaScript.

6. Configure the Code Step

  • In the Configure section of the Code step:

  1. Set the input data field to include the candidate's phone number (e.g., candidate number).

  2. Enter the following JavaScript code:

let phone_number = input_data['Phonenumber'] || '';

// Convert the phone number from +44 to 0 prefix

if (phone_number.startsWith('+44')) {

    var converted_number = '0' + phone_number.slice(3); // Replace +44 with 0

} else {

    var converted_number = phone_number; // Return unchanged if it doesn't start with +44


// Prepare the output

output = { 'converted_number': converted_number };

This setup will handle cases where a candidate's phone number is entered with a +44 prefix, converting it to the 0 format if necessary. If the prefix is already correct, it remains unchanged.